Canoe Ride from Pozzolo to Goito

on the Mincio river By canoe


Easy and engaging experience assisted by a canoe Guide.



Length: about 10km.



Duration: about 2 hours.


Snack/Aperitif at “Chiosoc del Mincio” at tour’s end.

The Mincio river is born from lake Garda in Peschiera d/G and its waters encounter many natural and artificial obstacles like the dam in Saline. Its currents then push through the Padanian Plane to arrive to Mantova where they form the famous 3 lakes that surround the city capital of the province and before becoming a tributary to the Great Po River.

Particularly when arriving near Pozzolo on Mincio the river’s currents lose strength due to an artificial split and a dam to regulate and redirect it.

Passed this second dam, on the right shore of the Mincio our adventure begins and we start descending  by canoe from Pozzolo to Goito, precisely to our destination the “Chiosco del Mincio”.

For a stretch of 10km and for about 2 hours we will be carried by the gentle currents of the shallow water of the Mincio river surrounded by the calm natural environment along the river’s shores. Relaxation and the southing silence interrupted only by the sound of the waters roaring and the various species of endemic birds.

A Unique, Engaging and Satisfying experience….in complete safety!

discesa in canoa sul mincio

A canoe Guide will in fact welcome you at the starting point in Pozzolo where after a brief technical introduction to canoeing and safety rules will accompany and guide through the descent.

We advice you to wear hat, sunscreen water shoes and to bring a change of shirt.

The canoe is a rigid 3-seats made with polyethylene able to accommodate either 3 adults or 2 adult and 2 children in the center seat.